The Aims of PanEris

The aims of PanEris can be characterised as;

  1. Create and nurture a group of technically competent members
  2. Form long term outsourcing relationships with partners
  3. Create and use web development tools for project management and communication.
  4. Create a forum in which individual Freeelancers can leverage themselves into Project Leaders by recuiting members with known and demonstrated skills to undertake particular projects

PanEris is founded to enable its members to earn their living whilst exploring new ways of working and exploiting new technologies to improve on pre-internet methodologies.

PanEris is founded on a utopian vision of the efficient business. It is believed that there is an attitude to business which is more efficient than the top down command and control structures of the past.

PanEris is founded to harness and encourage the improving zeal which people have towards their own work, which is often supressed within existing corporate/company structures.